The Im-BLEACHment of George W. Bush

Even before Donald Trump was telling us to ingest bleach, I was using bleach to visually Im-BLEACH George W. Bush, as a response to the 35 articles of impeachment presented to congress on June 9, 2008, by Representative Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio). It was ignored, but Diane Bush used the opportunity as a pre-election supportive gesture for Barack Obama. Members of the public were invited to throw small vials of bleach on a large photo of George W. Bush , to Im- BLEACH the president. Uncle Sam made an appearance, and the crowd from First Friday activities were happy to join in.  A video of this Public Participatory Public Art event is in the PERFORMANCE folder on this website. Thanks to Jerry Ross, the artist, and my brother for the concept. 


Off the Strip: Smear and Loathing